Thursday, 9 February 2017


This composition is to give you practice in giving advice in situations similar to the real world.

You should choose three of the cases below and write three responses to the problems.

Giving Advice

Your mum or dad is gaining weight.

Giving Advice

Your friend is feeling very depressed because of his qualifications.

Giving Advice

You found out your friends have been shoplñifting in a big store.

Giving Advice

A friend of yours is having his first date with a girl and he is very nervous. Give him some advice.

Giving Advice

You see your friend is going to ride his bike without a helmet.

Giving Advice

You disapprove you son's girlfriend. You would like to tell him to split up with her.

Giving Advice

Helen sees a light in her neighbour's house. The neighbours are on holiday in Hawaii.

Giving Advice

A company offered your sister a job but the salary is very low. She doesn't know what to do,

Giving Advice

I found a wallet in a shop with a lot of money and credit cards.

Giving Advice

One of your friends is a racist. Give him some good reasons to change his attitude.

Giving Advice

Your English teacher decides to schedule a term exam for tomorrow. You have another exam tomorrow.

Giving Advice

Your best friend wants to stay at home on Fridays playing with his computer.

Giving Advice

One of your friends is starting to drink too much alcohol at weekends.

Giving Advice

My brother often takes drugs.

Giving Advice

I saw my best friend's boyfriend kissing another girl.

Giving Advice

I lent my best friend some money last Friday and she hasn't given it back to me yet.

Giving Advice

I promised to go with my friends to a party this weekend. But suddenly, Bill, a family friend from Australia arrived, and my parents want me to stay at home to see him.

Giving Advice

My friend and her boyfriend have just split up. She is very upset...

Giving Advice

What can I do to get on well with my teenage sister?

Giving Advice

I have closed my door and my keys are in  my house. I forgot to take them!

Giving Advice

I've got a birthday party next weekend and I have no idea for a birthday present.

Giving Advice

Help! I am completely stressed out! I've got a level 2 English exam next week and I do not want to fail.

Giving Advice

I'm having trouble with my mother. I graduated 2 years ago and live in my own apartment. However, whenever I go home my mother treats me as if I'm a child again. She wakes me up early for breakfast, asks where I'm going in the evening, and wants me home by 11 p.m. What should I do?

Giving Advice

My boyfriend got very angry with me this week. He is angry because I want to spend a weekend at the coast with my friends. He says he wants to break up with me and find a new girlfriend. What should I do?

Giving Advice

My friends are having a big problem. They are fighting every day. They are angry with each other about money, cigarettes, and girls. I want them to stop fighting because they will hurt each other. What should I do?

Giving Advice

I am having a problem with my roommate. He is a very messy person. I like the house to be clean, but every day he throws clothes and trash everywhere in the apartment. It is making me angry. What should I do?

Giving Advice

My friends are going shopping tonight. I want to go with them, but I do not have any money. I think they will laugh at me if they find out I do not have any money, and they will all be buying clothes. What should I do?