Thursday, 9 February 2017

Giving Advice

A friend of yours is having his first date with a girl and he is very nervous. Give him some advice.


  1. From my point of view,I think that the most important thing you should do is to be yourself,because nobody wants a boy that tries to pretend to be someone that he isn´t. I suggest that you should be confident too, because this way she will feel confortable with you.
    Esther Cuesta González 1ºD.

  2. I suggest you to be relaxed, because if you are nervous probably the things are worse than you want, the nerves are bad. In addition, if the girl knows it, she might think that you feel uncomfortable with her and wouldn't want to stay any more times with you.
    Lucía Durán Royano. 1ºD.


  3. Relax, she is a person, not an alien, if she has decided to have a date with you it will be because she likes you as you are,be yourself and there will be no problem.
    Rodrigo Álvarez Zambrano 1ºA
