Thursday, 9 February 2017

Giving Advice

My boyfriend got very angry with me this week. He is angry because I want to spend a weekend at the coast with my friends. He says he wants to break up with me and find a new girlfriend. What should I do?


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  3. I think that a relationship is based on trust and you have to respect the other's decisions. You have more people in your life apart from him and you should spend time with them too. If I were you I would hang out with my friends and I would forget about him. Enjoy your weekend and don't allow anyone to crontol your life!

    Natalia García Pérez 1A

  4. I think that you have a lot of time and you can spend it with your family, friends or in this case, with your boyfriend. You should explain this to your boyfriend, and I am sure that if he loves you he will understand it, in addition, surely also will be better for him to stay with his friends some times.
    Lucía Durán Royano 1ºD.


  5. I know you love your boyfriend, but if he does not allow you to be with your friends, that's not a healthy relationship, I know it's not easy to break up with your boyfriend, but you have to enjoy your life. Better alone than badly matched.
    Rodrigo Álvarez Zambrano 1ºA

  6. Well, I think that you should to talk with your boyfriend of calm form. As I don't know him, this situation is a little complicated to advise you. I mean, maybe your boyfriend wanted to spend more time with you for some reason and when you told him about your plans he reacted badly without can controle it in the moment.

    But can be that he is simply like this. You know, selfish or unconcious?

    In my opinion, you should to talk with him, and when you have done it, remember that if he did it for bad reasons you have to simply go with your friends.

    If after he is still angry, indignant or wathever, split up with him. You can found to a better person for you.

    Elena Mª Martínez Borrachero 1ºD
